The ease of a safety net
The steel cable from below
seems taut and secure
to the crowds who gawp up,
incredulous, mouths agape,
there perhaps for the spectacle
or, sadistically, awaiting a fall.
The walker, high above them all
treads precipitously;
each step one closer to the edge,
forever in the balance.
The risk: to plunge
without a safety net.
The walker; brave entrepreneur defying destiny
in a world where most of his kind is sure
never to hit the chastening ground.
Rather, to relax in the elastic threads of a million dollar blanket;
Grand Theft Auto “get out of jail free”.
They tell you to spread your wings,
follow your calling,
so confidently.
For some, it’s easy.
For the rest: tentative steps.
A bold misjudgement could spell bankruptcy
without the bank of mummy and daddy.