Sunday 11 November 2018

The birth of the Super Ape

A glorious, technicolour bundle of life,
Abundant in ores christened within a fiery core.

Blazing a dizzy path around a glistening star;
Flying through infinite, atomless space, and time.

Each passing day a mere revolution among the trillions,
Among the trillions, evolution unto Gaia.

A pale blue dot, of balmy blue seas,
An infinity pool of infinite infinites -

The origin of species,
Bubbling forth from the alkaline froth,
Convection currents in a hydrothermal vent,
Circulating through a primordial broth.

Four billion years from nucleic chance
To the mossy fur of a slovenly sloth.

What were the chances?

Before the watchmaker’s eyes
Were even there to go blind,
The mysterious chemistry of a land
Before an uncontemplated time.

If only we could delve
Into those first three minutes,
The quantum minutiae
Of two big bangs.

Two singularities, of two
Disparate but not dissimilar sorts.

Life, the universe,
And two beginnings of time
Brought forth
To all we see today.

From the eyes of the beholder, the eyes

Of the Super Ape.

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